(OT, Labs, ICU & Cleanrooms etc.)
Main Objectives
- Designed to improve comfort and save energy.
- Quiet operation and ease of maintenance
- Intelligent heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systemsto secure healthy, safe and suitable indoor
- Reducing the spread of airborne infections.
- To maintain good ‘indoor air quality’ as an important non-pharmacological strategy in preventing hospital-acquired infections.
- Providing comfortable living and safe environment for the patients
- Long Lasting and safe interior
- NABH & other health norms appliance
HVAC systems are responsible for keeping indoor air quality (IAQ) high and providing a safe temperature for patients and staff alike. The air treatment in healthcare facilities is of prime importance. The patients feel more comfortable and heal early if the air circulation, temperature and humidity are maintained as per prescribed standard.
A well-maintained HVAC system can help reduce operating costs in addition to providing a safe environment.
Airborne diseases have been linked to poorly functioning HVAC system: improper function of temperature control, humidity control, air distribution and filtration of HVAC systems
An efficient HVAC system adjusts its various components such as heating, cooling, air filtration, air distribution, air flow rate and air exchange rates in accordance with the environment, clinician and patient needs.
Modern systems have the ability to control IAQ by assessing temperature, carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration, humidity and airflow rates and adjusting according to the work environment.
An ‘intelligent HVAC’ can sense the interaction between users and space and modify the working environment according to the needs, with minimal use of thermal or electrical energy thereby contributing to energy conservation aiming at creating a ‘green hospital’
Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) has a pivotal role in determining infection rates in the intensive care unit (ICU), apart from its primary purpose of providing comfortable living and safe environment for the patients, ICU staff and visitors [1, 2]. Essential functions of HVAC system includes heating (adding heat to raise or maintain temperature), cooling (removing heat to lower or maintain temperature), humidifying (adding water vapour), dehumidifying (removing water vapour) in order to maintain the moisture content of the air, filtering (removing dust particles, biological contaminants like bacteria, viruses and fungi), ventilating (air change rates between outdoor) and air distribution (velocity, flow pattern, direction of movement and distribution patterns)
Insulated Puff Panel should be preferred over normal painted wall considering easiness to clean wash and long life . Heat transfer value will get reduced which ultimately save power by reducing compressor operations
Operation Theater
Main component-
- Air Handling Units with cooling coil and Humidity control provisions
- Leak proof Ducting with Low VOC insulations
- Sound Proofing (Acoustic /Silencer/Canvas) wherever required
- NAPH Air Changes and ISO 1000 Cleanroom fulfillment
- HEPA Terminal/Laminar Flow
- Puff panels with long life
- Riser for Return Air
- Air Filtration 20 , 10 ,3 & 0.3 microns
Intensive Care Units-
Main component-
- Air Handling Units with cooling coil and Humidity control provisions
- Leak proof Ducting with Low VOC insulations
- Sound Proofing (Acoustic /Silencer/Canvas) wherever required
- NAPH Air Changes
- Supply air Diffuser
- Return Air Diffuser
- Puff panels with long life(optional)
- Air Filtration 20 , 10 ,3 microns
The air is not just a medium but it can be regarded as a guard in the critical health applications. The proper direction of the airflow increases the possibilities of successful pollutant scavenging from healthcare applications. The numerical tool, used here, was found to be so effective to predict the airflow pattern in the healthcare facilities at reasonable costs and acceptable accuracy. Good architectural design allows the HVAC system designers to properly locate the supply outlets and extraction ports in the optimum locations. Hospital HVAC repair is critical to operations. A hospital can’t function without an HVAC system. Downtime simply is not an option for hospitals. Hospital HVAC repair and preventative maintenance to avoid downtime is crucial. Choosing a commercial HVAC partner you can trust pays dividends every day a hospital is operational.